12 Ways of Looking at It

I’m excited to have this design made available by demand for printing on clothing by a company called Design By Humans.

I’m calling the soundscape “Opticentric” in keeping with the theme.  It and the drawing were finished at about the same time.  Shout out to Alphonso Dunn, whose eye ink studies have been a great inspiration to me (I copied directly from his drawings for four out of the 12 in this series).  Check him out on YouTube.  He’s a great teacher!

*New Track for Upcoming Album*

This is an experiment in sampling with what I could find in my immediate surroundings.  Sound hunting has long been a favorite activity.  Last year we were married, and a friend gifted us a bamboo encased chime with metal tongs inside which are struck by a glass bead.  I muted the resonance to produce one of the main themes for this tune.  Also featured are a deck of cards, a glass of water, a Telecaster, a dice tossed on hardwood flooring, and some pens in a cup, both of which sort of stand in for a snare.  Written and recorded in a living room in Olympia, Washington.
