Category: ambient music
Drawing Around an R.L. Stevenson Quote
12 Ways of Looking at It
I’m excited to have this design made available by demand for printing on clothing by a company called Design By Humans. I’m calling the soundscape “Opticentric” in keeping with the theme. It and the drawing were finished at about the same time. Shout out to Alphonso Dunn, whose eye ink studies have been a great…
Drawing Parted Clouds with Watercolor Pencils in my Sketchbook
Some Things Only Come Together In The End
Rethinking Love & Materiality | Road Trip 7
Girl Draws the Badlands, Boy Writes a Tune | Road Trip 5
[youtube] After being educated in the geology of the Badlands, the traveler is tasked with something peculiar: to make what one sees match what one knows. The various sedimentary layers are color coded for when they were formed. White indicates about 30 million years ago; red indicates about 32 million years ago; grey and…
Portrait of a Drawing
[youtube] Could we use video to promote slower thought patterns and mindfulness? Could we use the same medium that tends to slide between us and Nature to restore our craving for the natural world and immediate experience?