Category: Education
Show, Don’t Tell: Using Biomimicry to Instill a Growth Mindset
“Show the readers everything, tell them nothing.” – Ernest Hemingway “In my view, nothing’s ever given away. I believe to advance that you must pay.” – Young Fathers Translating literally to “expedient” and roughly to “skill in means,” the Buddhist concept of upaya offers a space to think through the dilemmas of engagement in education. …
Some Advice For How to Handle Quicksand & Drawing Devil’s Tower | Road Trip 8
The Disembodiment of Knowledge
Thinking about Media with Socrates and McLuhan “Everybody experiences far more than he understands. Yet it is experience, rather than understanding, that influences behavior.” – Marshall McLuhan A gradual externalization of human knowledge began with the advent of written language, the first alphabets arising around the 3rd millennium BC, and the old Latin alphabet…
Showing Promise
A student puts off his final essay till the night before it’s due. The stakes are high. Four pages and 10% of his final grade for the course are on the line. The deadline looms guillotine-like above his head, and this motivates him. He gets his grade back soon and proclaims to his peers, “I…